Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

A plant that grows in abundance in the Bavari hills of northern Dessi. Adgana is a powerful narcotic that increases strength, sharpens reflexes and enhances fighting prowess if swallowed immediately before combat. It is shunned by most warriors and outlawed in Sommerlund due to its high addictiveness. If adgana is used more than once by a warrior, the increase in fighting prowess is reduced for each subsequent use.

Gamebook rules[]

  • When used, adgana adds 6 Combat Skill for the duration of one combat.
  • Each use, however, prompts a roll on the Random number table at the end of combat. If the roll is 0 or 1 (20% chance), then Lone Wolf has become addicted and suffers a permanent Endurance loss of 4 points (this can nonetheless be worth it because endurance is less vital than combat skill).
  • Any further uses of adgana grant only a bonus of CS +3 (no further addiction checks).


Lone Wolf can acquire a pouch of adgana herbs in Castle Death from a patrol of Zahda's beastmen. He can acquire another pouch of adgana herbs in The Masters of Darkness from some Drakkarim marines when they attack his ship, the Intrepid.


If Lone Wolf does not use the adgana in Castle Death, it is lost later in the book (along with all other items in his backpack) during his escape from Kazan-Oud. This means that although it would have been very helpful, Lone Wolf cannot use adgana against Zakhan Kimah in The Cauldron of Fear or the Chaos Master and Villains of Sommerlund in The Prisoners of Time. He can, however, save the adgana in The Masters of Darkness for the difficult fight against Deathlord Ixiataaga in The Deathlord of Ixia.


  • Pouch of Adgana Herbs