Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

The standard Bow is a ranged weapon that fires Arrows. The Bow may only be used in certain situations and not in melee combat. Without a proper melee weapon, Lone Wolf will have to fight bare-handed, with the appropriate penalties.


To use the bow, one must have at least one arrow available. Then, one typically has to make a random number check. A sufficiently high roll can wound or even kill the target outright, avoiding a fight.

Bow shots receive bonuses from several sources:

Bow shots can also be enhanced by the two Magi-magic spells Flameshaft and Penetrate.

Rare Bows[]


  1. Strictly speaking, the Pensei Bow adds +1 to combat skill when using the Bow in combat. However, because Bows aren't usually used in combat, a possible alternative interpretation is that it adds +1 to random number checks for bow shots.