The Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, also known as the Magician's Guild of Toran, is a brotherhood of magicians who practice left-handed magic.
The Brotherhood was founded eons ago by predecessors to the Old Kingdom schools of magic. In MS 3434 when the Sommlending appeared in northern Magnamund, they pushed the Darklords west beyond the Durncrag mountains and established the realm of Sommerlund in the territory they had claimed. Vashna, enraged by the defeat, unleashed many Helghast upon Sommerlund in what became known as the Helghast Wars from MS 3520 to 3550. During the Helghast wars, when huge armies of Helghast were shapeshifting and infiltrating Somerlund society, the Brotherhood helped find ways to expose and destroy these unkillable monsters.
The guild was nearly destroyed during the invasion of the Arch Darklord Zagarna in 5050 MS (Moonstone). The guildmaster at the time of the Massacre of the Kai played a large role in the early years of Lone Wolf's quest. The Magician's Guild had a prophecy that two young men, one a warrior and one a mage from the Brotherhood, would ally themselves and reign over Magnamund bringing an era of peace and prosperity. Vonotar the Traitor believed he was the fulfillment of this prophecy when he joined with Zagarna. Banedon and Lone Wolf were the true fulfillment of this prophecy.
The Brotherhood is housed in what was called the Guildhall in the port city of Toran in northern Sommerlund. The Brotherhood practices left-handed magic, which is goodly magic in the Lone Wolf book series. The name comes from the crystal star pendant given to those who are accepted as Brothers. The typical uniform of the Brotherhood was a loose, blue robe embroidered with stars, moons and other celestial bodies. The brotherhood is ruled by a Guildmaster and a council of twelve Elders, some of which were Banedon, Vonotar, Loy-Kymar, Loren, Artel, Heikon and Martat. Mongoose games currently produces a Lone Wolf game series where one of the player's choices is to play as a member of the Brotherhood.
The current guildmaster of the Brotherhood is Banedon.