Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

The Crystal Tower is the stronghold of the Academicians in the Daziarn.


An illustration of Crystal Tower is available at Beyond the Nightmare Gate: §211.
An illustration of Crystal Tower is available at Beyond the Nightmare Gate: §50.

It is built from great shards of black crystal, and parts of the tower seem to disappear when looked at from certain directions.

It is protected by a series of riddles. Outside is locked by a door with multiple candidate keys,[1] and the top of the tower, if climbed, is protected by a Daemonak.[2] If the door is entered, the chamber is further protected by falling swords that fall if the subject steps on the wrong tiles.[3]

In the main chambers of the Academicians, it is full of strange machines.[4] The Tower also possesses an Ethetron for journeying between realms.[5]

