Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

Cynxa is a Nyxator Mail created by Lone Wolf from the hide of Nyxator and given to New Order Kai Grand Masters at the start of the events of Dead in the Deep. Cynxa provides a +4 bonus to Combat Skill and +10 to Endurance to its wearer, and is light enough to be worn underneath clothing and other pieces of armour. Additionally, Cynxa provides additional protection against the powers of Darkness and Right-handed magic.

Cynxa may be named after Cynx, a city created by the Sea Dragons.

In the books[]

Cynxa is an extremely useful Nyxator Mail, and the one that faces the most usage in Dead in the Deep and The Dusk of Eternal Night. Its primary effect is to reduce any damage taken when Grand Master comes into contact with Dark magic. There are also a number of combat scenarios where not wearing Cynxa will result in triple damage taken, although these fights are generally (and relatively) easier in terms of Combat Ratio.

As a result, Cynxa is arguably less useful for players who have taken a character all the way from the start, as most fights are not that difficult for such a character (who will have a Combat Skill in the 60s, if not higher, and multiple healing potions). For newer players, however, Cynxa can be invaluable.

Having said that, the other mails have specific uses where Cynxa does not. Notably, Cynxa provides very few random number table roll bonuses, and has no real use in any of The Dusk of Eternal Night's second arc split paths. Other Nyxator Mails may thus avoid instant death results, where Cynxa does not.

Cynxa is notably good against the raw power of the Nengud-kor-Adez, where it will reduce the damage Grand Master takes if they are impacted by it (and avoiding one instant death scenario). This makes it very useful in Dead in the Deep and the first arc of The Dusk of Eternal Night.

It should be noted that Cynxa is good against the power of Darkness and Right-handed magic, not necessarily enemies. Fighting, say, a Drakkar Knight in hand-to-hand combat, is not likely to see any benefits from Cynxa. But fighting a Drakkar wielding a weapon blessed by the power of Darkness may do so.

Notable uses[]

  • Dead in the Deep
    • Whilst Grand Master rests in the Zaut for the night, new fissures open up in the ground overnight, filled with the supernatural fire of the Nengud-kor-Adez. A middling-roll of the random number table will result in Grand Master being injured by the fire, losing 8 Endurance points, or 4 with Cynxa.[1] However, a very low roll (prevented by Astrology, Telegnosis, Kai-alchemy or Elementalism) results in Grand Master being engulfed in the fire, resulting in death unless Grand Master wears Cynxa, in which case Grand Master loses 12 Endurance points.
    • A Drakkar Oggdag wields a Moggador-kor-Kaggaz, a warhammer imbued with the power of the Nengud-kor-Adez. Although the fight is not a difficult one, any damage the Drakkar inflicts on Grand Master is tripled, unless Grand Master wears Cynxa.[2][3]
  • The Dusk of Eternal Night
    • Fissures open up on the battlefield during the Battle of the Ruanon Homelands, and Cynxa will halve any damage taken should Grand Master come into contact with the fire or obsidian shards from it.[4][5][6]
    • Fights involving the Kaggazutaagon (undead from the Nengud-kor-Adez) deal triple damage unless Grand Master wears Cynxa.[4][5]

