Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

Much like Sixth Sense, this Magnakai Discipline serves as early warning against traps and items, or intuition when dealing with people. However, this enhanced version also allows for telepathic communication.

The Kai and Grand Master versions of this discipline are Sixth Sense and Telegnosis.

Rank Bonuses[]

  • Tutelary: Divination can now detect magical abilities in objects or creatures, but this analysis can be blocked by mental defenses.
  • Mentora: Lone Wolf is now able to detect residual psychic energy from a place where a dramatic event, such as a battle or terrible death, has occurred. Further concentration on the event may result in a flashback to the time of the event.
  • Scion-Kai: Ability to do spirit-walking, that is, leaving the physical body in suspended form and explore the environment unhindered in spirit form. Length of time increases as rank increases. However, a Magnakai is susceptible to attacks and if either form is killed, then the other form ceases to exist and vice-versa.