There are many species of plants and trees which can be found on Magnamund and other worlds in Aon. Below is a list of some of the species which could be encountered.
- Acacia
- Adgana
- Alether
- Almond
- Apple
- Apricot
- Ash
- Asparagus
- Aubergine
- Bamboo
- Banana
- Barley
- Baylon's Bough
- Beet
- Birch
- Blackberry
- Black Lakeweed
- Black Oak
- Boysenberry
- Bracken
- Brambles
- Brussel Sprout
- Buttercup
- Cabbage
- Cantalope
- Carrot
- Cartleflower
- Celery
- Chard
- Checkerberry
- Cherimoya
- Cherry
- Chestnut
- Chickpea
- Chicory
- Chilli
- Chives
- Cinnamon
- Civet Fruit
- Clover
- Cloves
- Coconut
- Copalla
- Cork
- Corn
- Cotton
- Courgette
- Cowana
- Crabapple
- Custard Apple
- Dandelion
- Dargorse
- Date
- Date-plum
- Demeril
- Dragonkiss
- Druse
- Durenese Oak
- Endive
- Fennel
- Fern
- Fern Tree
- Fig
- Fir
- Forest Rose
- Gallowbrush
- Gherkin
- Giant Azawood
- Ginger
- Gnadurn
- Golta
- Gooseberry
- Grape
- Grass
- Graveweed
- Guava
- Guyen
- Hagberry
- Haina
- Hakeroot
- Hay
- Heath
- Heather
- Hemp
- Honeydew
- Horse Chestnut
- Horse Radish
- Huckleberry
- Ice Lily
- Ivy
- Jaboticaba
- Jackfruit
- Karmo
- Kasl
- Kineflop
- Kohlrabi
- Kumquat
- Lacaress
- Lankpetal
- Larch
- Larnuma
- Larsh
- Laumspur
- Laumwort
- Leafwater
- Leek
- Lentil
- Liera
- Lily
- Lime
- Lingonberry
- Loganberry
- Loquat
- Lychee
- Magras
- Mahogany
- Marney Apple
- Manzanilla
- Mango
- Marajuana
- Marsh Grass
- Marsh Reed
- Melon
- Mellowroot
- Mint
- Mockoede
- Moonplant
- Moss
- Mountain Oak
- Nectarine
- Nightshade
- Nosegay
- Oak
- Oat
- Oede
- Ogosho
- Okra
- Olive
- Onion
- Orange
- Oyster Plant
- Palm
- Parslip
- Parsnip
- Passion Fruit
- Pawpaw
- Pea
- Peach
- Pear
- Pepper
- Persimmon
- Phinomel
- Picanda
- Pine
- Pineapple
- Plains Pine
- Plantain
- Plum
- Podlumes
- Pomegranate
- Potato
- Prenticeshoe
- Pumpkin
- Radish
- Reed
- Rendalim
- Rhubarb
- Rice
- Rootbladder
- Rose
- Rubber
- Runner Bean
- Rye
- Sabito
- Saffron
- Sapodilla
- Satchwort
- Sawbriar
- Scallion
- Seaweed
- Senara
- Silver Birch
- Silver Oak
- Siyenese Elm
- Sommlending Oak
- Sommlending Rose
- Sphagnum
- Spinach
- Squash
- Stargrass
- Straw
- Strawberry
- Sweetwort
- Tamarind
- Tangelo
- Tangerine
- Tarama
- Tea
- Thatchwort
- Toa
- Tobacco
- Tomato
- Tumbleweed
- Turnip
- Vine
- Violet
- Volko
- Walnut
- Wheat
- Willow
- Wormlau
- Xanthoa
- Yabari
- Yaku
- Yellow Oak
- Yew
- Zatusk