Lone Wolf

Gamir, formerly Darke and Nagamir, is the main city of Northern Lencia, formerly Nyras.


See also: Nyras: History

Gamir was the ancient title of the settlement in Northern Lencia. In The Darkdawn War between MS 2606—2610, the Drakkarim invaded Northern Lencia, conquering it and renaming the country Nyras, and the city Nagamir. In MS 3150, the Drakkarim became allies of the Darklands, and a treaty was signed in Nagamir between the two. The city of Nagamir was renamed Darke in the Darklords' honour.[1]

Darke was infamous for the atrocities that took place there, with countless slaves broken there before being sold off to the Darklands and their allies.[1]

In MS 5076, during the events of The Darke Crusade, Warlord Magnaarn, ruler of Nyras, managed to find the Nyras Sceptre, formerly owned by Darklord Dakushna. However, the Doomstone of Darke, formerly contained within, was lost in the chaos of the fall of the Darklords in MS 5070, and Magnaarn began to search for it. Lencia, fearing Magnaarn's power if he was successful, requested Lone Wolf to help. Lone Wolf agreed, paying back the debt after Lencia helped him during the events of The Dungeons of Torgar. Together with Captain Prarg, the two infiltrated the Temple of Antah, only to discover they were too late, as Magnaarn had found the Doomstone. Magnaarn then imprisoned Prarg, buried Lone Wolf under a rockfall, and began to reconquer Nyras.[2] Lone Wolf, however, managed to excavate himself after fifteen days, and rushed to Darke to confront Magnaarn. Lone Wolf discovered that the Nyras Sceptre was slowly turning Magnaarn undead, but he still possessed enough power to be a fearsome enemy. After a tough fight, Lone Wolf slew Magnaarn, which in turn destroyed the Nyras Sceptre, and sent Magnaarn's forces into a rout. Lencia took advantage of this to reconquer Northern Lencia.[3]

In MS 5090, Warmarshall Ranghor forced the Lencians out of Northern Lencia. A civil war erupted between the Drakkarim, between Ranghor and Warlord Ghangrim. In MS 5101, Lencia invaded Nyras once again, and conquered Darke. King Sarnac IV renamed the city back to "Gamir" once again, its ancient title.[4]

