Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

Captain Gildas was a Captain of the King's Ranger Regiment of Siyen. He and his rangers helped Grand Master find the Claw of Naar. However, the Claw was stolen back, and during this pursuit, where the Claw changed hands several times, Gildas died at the hands of Autarch Sejanoz in Zuda.


Gildas was a Captain of the King's Ranger Regiment of Siyen. He witnessed Grand Master being knighted by King Karvas for his efforts, and in MS 5085, during the events of Vampirium, the two met formally in Sunderer Pass as Grand Master and Lord Rimoah searched for the Claw of Naar.[1]

The party found the Claw of Naar in Sunderer Pass, and after failing to destroy it, travelled to Pensei to ensure its safety at Lord Rimoah's request. However, the Claw was stolen back, and so began a chase across Bhanar. In Yua Tzhan, Grand Master stole the Claw back, and the party continued their journey to Pensei. At the border town of Zuda, however, Autarch Sejanoz himself appeared, and made quick work of Gildas' men.[2] Gildas himself was knocked unconscious, either by Sejanoz[3] or Grand Master (after Gildas was possessed by Sejanoz), depending on the actions of the player.[4] Grand Master was then forced to flee with the Claw of Naar, abandoning Gildas and his men.[5]

As punishment, Gildas was captured and beaten to death by Sejanoz's guards. However, that was only the beginning of Gildas' torment. Sejanoz feasted on his soul, before reawakening him as an Arisen, destined to remember everything in his life, but feel nothing, and denied even the salvation of death. He was taken to the dungeons of Otavai, where he was also tormented by Sejanoz's wife, Balerodah, whilst being unaware of Sejanoz's death. In MS 5103, during the events of The Dusk of Eternal Night, depending on the actions of the player, Gildas may meet Grand Master once again in the Otavai dungeons, and request that they kill him to release him from torment.[6]

In the gamebooks[]


Gildas is encountered at the start of Vampirium, and accompanies Grand Master throughout the journey through Bhanar. At the end of the book, the party encounters Autarch Sejanoz, who makes quick work of Gildas' men. Grand Master is given the following options:[7] To hand over the Claw of Naar, or refuse. If the Claw is handed-over,[3] Gildas will attempt to intervene, and Sejanoz will knock him unconscious. If not, Sejanoz will possess Gildas, and force him to fight Grand Master:

Captain Gildas (Psychically possessed)
Combat Skill 48, Endurance 40
Immune to: Mindblast, Kai-surge, Kai-blast
Vampirium: §338

Either way, Gildas will be knocked unconscious, and Grand Master will escape with the Claw of Naar, but be forced to abandon Gildas and his men.[5]

The Dusk of Eternal Night[]

Gildas may be encountered in The Dusk of Eternal Night. The player must choose to explore Otavai in the main branch of the book, and end up in the dungeons of Otavai somehow. There are two possible routes:

  • If Grand Master possesses Deathstalker Extract or Assimilance, they can attempt to bluff their way in via disguise. However, as they are about to enter the Imperial Palace, they are questioned by guards.[8] If the player lacks a Naarvakim Pass, or Astrology at Sun Thane or higher, or Kai-alchemy, they will be suspected, be beaten unconscious, and thrown into the dungeon.[9]
  • If Grand Master cannot, or chooses not to, bluff their way in through disguise, they will attempt to infiltrate the Imperial Palace by clandestine means. If Grand Master possesses Grand Nexus at Sun Knight or higher, or Dromar Extract to simulate death, they can be smuggled into Otavai for Balerodah's nefarious purposes, and reawaken in the dungeons.[10]

In the dungeons, Grand Master will fight two Krakalla, then encounter Gildas (as long as the player played through Vampirium). Gildas will recount what happened to him after Grand Master was forced to abandon him and his men, ask him to kill Balerodah, then ask for death, which can be given if Grand Master possesses a bladed weapon. Doing so means that Grand Master delivered Gildas' spirit (which should be noted on the Action Chart).[6]

Encountering Gildas helps in the final battle in this arc, against Autarchess Balerodah, since he warns Grand Master that Balerodah can mutate with her touch, although wearing Zhaaxa prevents this mutation altogether. Normally, the first time a 1, 2 or 3 is rolled in combat, Balerodah will mutate a body part of Grand Master, but this is reduced to a 10% chance (rolling a 1) if Gildas was met. Subsequent rounds only trigger further mutations if a 1 is rolled. Additionally, if three mutations are inflicted, this normally results in death, but if Gildas' spirit was delivered, he will intervene, and grant one last chance to Grand Master (a fourth mutation, however, results in death).

The mutations are as follows:

