Lone Wolf

A ring of translucent grey crystal.


Lone Wolf can find this special item in the city of Tharro, in the northern region of the Kingdom of Talestria, in book 8 (The Jungle of Horrors). To acquire the ring the best way is to take the Great North Road, enter the city, go north along Hog-Foot Run, and enter the shop. If taking the barge, the only way to get the ring is to have (and lose) the Silver Bow of Duadon.

The price of the ring is 120 Lune (or 30 Gold Crowns). If Lone Wolf is unable to afford that price, the shopkeeper will also exchange the Ring for the Silver Helm, the Jewelled Mace, or the Lodestone. The Lodestone is the only item that can be acquired in this adventure, and the only way a new character will be able to trade for the Grey Crystal Ring. To acquire the Lodestone, Lone Wolf must take the Great North Road, then go to Topham. On the way there is an apparent burial in progress. If Lone Wolf stops to pay his respects to the deceased, the monks reveal themselves as agents of the Darklords who attack at once. After the fight, the Lodestone is found lying on the ground.


The Grey Crystal Ring's only use is in an unavoidable combat against Shadow Reavers in The Prisoners of Time. If Lone Wolf chooses to engage them in psychic combat, the ring provides a +3 bonus to the Combat Skill.

A major caveat to acquiring the Grey Crystal Ring is that it forces you to enter Tharro, which in turn unavoidably leads to a fight against a powerful Helghast. The Helghast's stats are higher than the Shadow Reavers, which means that if survival is one's main goal, avoiding the Grey Crystal Ring is likely the better option.
