Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

The Heldajdok-taagim (Giak; English: Order of the Black Moon Assassins[1] or Killers of the Black Moon[2]) are a group of powerful assassins, ultimately loyal to Archlord Vashna. They share a bond with Vashna's spirit, trapped in the Maakengorge, allowing him to communicate with them, and sharing in some of his power.[3] Vashna imbued the Heldajdok-taagim with powers specifically to counter the Kai, making them deadly assassins, capable of taking down even a Kai Grand Master.


After Archlord Vashna was defeated in the Battle of Moytura Pass and cast into the Maakengorge, his spirit studied the Kai from afar, learning both their skills and how to counter them.[4][5] However, Vashna did not study the forms of magic taught by the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star (of which Kai-alchemy is the Kai interpretation),[6] nor Old Kingdom Magic (Magi-magic)[7] — taught by Banedon and Lord Rimoah to Lone Wolf respectively, who in turn only taught his finest students.[7]

Vashna imbued a number of Chosen Ones — the Heldajdok-taagim — with this knowledge, and despite lacking the forms of magic external to the Kai, the Heldajdok-taagim became extremely dangerous assassins, operating in secret, even under the noses of the Kai themselves in Holmgard.[8] They are also able to communicate with Vashna's spirit.[9][10] With these powers, in MS 5091, they murdered King Ulnar V, Crown Princess Imelda, Princess Madelon, as well as Firestone, the Kai Grand Master who was protecting them.

In MS 5102, during the events of Dead in the Deep, Quazandra and Teakkro, two members of the Heldajdok-taagim served Luthos Vorgada. Previously, Teakkro, had discovered that the captured Steel Hand was actually a descendant of King Ulnar I, meaning his sacrifice, into the Maakengorge, with the Dagger of Vashna, would bring him back. The two Heldajdok-taagim later confronted Steel Hand and Grand Master (sent to rescue Steel Hand and complete his quest) as they tried to escape, with Quazandra falling but Teakkro retreating.

In MS 5103, during the events of The Dusk of Eternal Night, Lone Wolf and Steel Hand infiltrated Zekgazad to confront Vashna, now merged with the Nengud-kor-Adez. Multiple members of the Heldajdok-taagim laid traps for the Kai, but these were evaded. However, Lone Wolf was unable to defeat Vashna, and the two Kai were forced to flee.[11]

Known members[]


  1. The Dusk of Eternal Night: Timeline of Notable Events in Magmamund: MS 5102 Kaltangor
  2. Dead in the Deep: §121
  3. Dead in the Deep: §297
  4. Dead in the Deep: §44
  5. Dead in the Deep: §311
  6. Dead in the Deep: §95
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dead in the Deep: §210
  8. Dead in the Deep: §121
  9. Dead in the Deep: §128
  10. Dead in the Deep: §297
  11. The Dusk of Eternal Night: §2