Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

Kekataag the Avenger is the undead champion of Naar, residing in the Plane of Darkness.


An illustration of Kekataag is available at Wolf's Bane: §34.

Kekataag is attired in battle armour that glimmers like slime dulled gold. He has a hollow skull face from which emerges a sickly stench. His armoured hide is decorated with the skulls and bones of humans. He wields a great two handed axe which is stained black with the blood of his countless victims.[1][2][3]

He is an old enemy of Alyss.[4]


Lone Wolf first encountered Kekataag the Avenger in Wolf's Bane. Kekataag mistook Lone Wolf as Wolf's Bane, and attacked psychically in jealousy of "Wolf's Bane"'s supposed victory over Lone Wolf. He was stopped by Naar, who stated that Kekataag had a new mission: To accompany "Wolf's Bane" back to Magnamund, and assassinate someone from the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star.[5] After Alyss created a cocoon around herself and the Moonstone, preventing Naar from using it, Kekataag attempted to break the cocoon.[4]

Lone Wolf and Kekataag engaged in a decisive duel in The Curse of Naar,[6][7][8] where Kekataag was slain and his soul condemned to eternal torment on the Plain of Despair.[9]

In the gamebooks[]

Kekataag is a formidable warrior, with extremely high combat stats. His Combat Skill is joint-second highest (with Deathlord Ixiataaga) in all the Lone Wolf gamebooks, bested only by Vaagarash.

Kekataag the Avenger
Combat Skill 60, Endurance 58
The Curse of Naar: §121/§211/§282

Skarn-Ska provides an additional +3 Combat Skill, and the Sommerswerd doubles the damage inflicted. If Lone Wolf attacks with a different weapon, he attacks speedily, avoiding any Endurance point losses for the first two rounds.

