The Dark Realm of Skaror, commonly referred to as simply Skaror, is a Drakkarim nation allied with the Darklands. It has long been a home for creatures of evil, ever since the arrival of Agarash the Damned on Magnamund. It was settled upon in MS 2650 by the Drakkarim, and became an ally of the Darklands in MS 3150.
In 5518 MS, the tunnels under the Karak and Ogian highlands were invaded by the Agarashi. They bred and multiplied, until summoned to the surface by Agarash the Damned, becoming known as the Skarorian Horde. The Skarorian Horde fought in the War of One Thousand Years, and were exterminated with the banishment of Agarash the Damned in the Pit of Eternal Pain.[2]
Skaror was formed in MS 2650 when the Drakkarim arrived on Magnamund. After the Darklords arrived on Magnamund in MS 3150, the Drakkarim briefly fought them. The Xaghash were the first to encounter the Drakkarim, attacking the settlements of Northern Skaror and Nyvoz, consuming their soldiers. The Drakkarim fought back, destroying several Xaghash in retaliation. The Darklords recognised that the Xaghash were a limited resource, and that the Drakkarim could be a useful ally, so an uneasy alliance was reached between them.[3][4]
Despite the Agarashi infestation and influence of Darkness, Skaror was once a lush and fertile realm. This changed some time prior to MS 5000 when Darklord Kraagenskûl took control of Skaror, and moved his Drakkarim into the province. He began destroying the land intentionally, burning all its trees for the simple joy of witnessing their destruction. Kraagenskûl found it easy to claim Skaror, due to its long history of evil. He was also able to command the few remaining Agarashi that survived the fall of Agarash. Skaror was never attacked by the forces of Light, although it was fought over by several rival Darklords, but Darklord Kraagenskûl exerted the greatest control.[5]
The Darklands realm of Tar Ogashaar was considered a protectorate of Skaror, although in practice, both were controlled by Darklord Kraagenskûl. From Skaror, Kraagenskûl frequently sent his forces to Skaror to search for ancient lore and the magic of races long lost to Magnamund.[6]
In MS 5101, long after the demise of the Darklords, Skaror experienced frequent, violent earthquakes, as the Nengud-kor-Adez tore through underground Magnamund. It created a deep gorge over two hundred miles, destroying the city of Cragmantle, and stretching all the way to the abandoned Darklands fortress of Nadgazad.[7][8] The following year, Skaror, along with the other Drakkarim nations of Zaldir, Ghatan, the Hammerlands and the Western Darklands united under Warlord Golzaarn in the ruins of Cragmantle. The power of the Nengud-kor-Adez awoke the Skarorian Horde, and Golzaarn attempted to enslave them. Lone Wolf dispatched Kai Grand Master Black Hawk to foil Golzaarn's plan, but he was killed on his mission. Lone Wolf then sent Kai Grand Master Star Lynx to complete his mission, which he did, destroying all the Agarashi in a savage battle.[9]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Dever, Joe [1986] (2015-10-31). The Magnamund Companion, Internet Edition, Project Aon, p. 29.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Dever, Joe [1986] (2015-10-31). The Magnamund Companion, Internet Edition, Project Aon, p. 111.
- ↑ Dever, Joe [2017]. Bestiary of the Beyond. Cubicle 7, p. 84.
- ↑ Dever, Joe [1985–1995] (2015-11-16). "Newsletter #4", Lone Wolf Club Newsletters, Internet Edition, Project Aon, p. 49. “The Drakkarim are a race of evil human barbarians who invaded Northern Magnamund from the west approximately 2500 years before the birth of Lone Wolf. They laid claim to vast tracts of land, putting to the sword and the torch all that stood in their way. The lands of Nyras, Ghatan, Nyvoz, Ogia, Skaror and Zaldir became theirs, but only to be lost to the Darklords when, in fear and awe of their power, the Drakkarim nations allied to their cause.”
- ↑ Hahn, August [2004]. Lone Wolf: The Roleplaying Game, Dever, Joe, Mongoose Publishing, pp. 218–219.
- ↑ Hahn, August [2004]. The Darklands, Dever, Joe, First Edition, Mongoose Publishing, p. 17.
- ↑ Dead in the Deep: §250
- ↑ The Dusk of Eternal Night: §Timeline of notable events in Magnamund: MS 5101
- ↑ The Dusk of Eternal Night: §Timeline of notable events in Magnamund: MS 5102 Fehangor
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