Tavig is a warrior that Lone Wolf encounters during his quest to obtain the Lorestone of Herdos from Kazan-Oud.
Castle Death[]
Lone Wolf can encounter Tavig in the labyrinth under Castle Death. Tavig is fleeing from a group of Dhax. If Lone Wolf has Divination, he can deduce the presence of the evil creatures, but he cannot tell if Tavig is a friend or foe.[1] Lone Wolf can attack Tavig, in which case Tavig is slain without a fight (although not without questioning why Lone Wolf is attacking him).[2] Lone Wolf can also evade the Dhax along with Tavig, or evade the encounter entirely. The latter choice leads to Tavig's death at the hands of the Dhax.[3]
Should Lone Wolf choose to follow Tavig, he immediately points out a trap to Lone Wolf. The trap kills the Dhax. Afterwards, he guides Lone Wolf in the Labyrinth and tells Lone Wolf his story: Tavig hails from Suentina, a city in the western land of Slovia. He's in Kazan-Oud to raise the ransom for his sister, a captive taken by Sadzar, a slaver of Gzor. Sadzar captured her off the island of Lio, and is charging one thousand Gold Crowns for her safe return. So, Tavig offered his services to the Elder Magi, who were sending warriors to Kazan-Oud in an effort to destroy the evil within. He's encountered Zahda a couple times, fought off the horrors of Kazan-Oud and evaded the traps within, all to save his sister. Now, after a year, he realized that Zahdad cannot be defeated by one man, and he only hopes to escape. When Lone Wolf reveals that he's been in the tunnels for only a few hours, Tavig is disappointed, saying he'd have fought the Dhax if he'd known he was so close to the surface.
Tavig then bids Lone Wolf farewell. Lone Wolf can choose to follow him, in which case he sees the warrior attacked by a Giant Fist. Tavig is immediately grievously wounded. If Lone Wolf chooses to intervene, he must defeat the Giant Fist within three rounds, or Tavig dies before combat is over. If Lone Wolf manages to win quickly, and also has the discipline Curing, he is able to briefly revive Tavig, who warns Lone Wolf of the maze and also provides a hint on how to defeat Zahda ("green is death"). Tavig dies shortly afterwards.[4] It's unknown what happens to his sister.
Legends of Lone Wolf[]
Tavig appears in The Secret of Kazan-Oud, the novelization of Castle Death. Unlike the gamebook, Lone Wolf is accompanies by Petra. As in the gamebook, Tavig leads the two away from the Dhax to a small musty chamber. Here he displays openly misogynistic tendencies, complementing Petra for her "pretty face" and asking Lone Wolf if he's willing to share the "doxy". Lone Wolf has to warn Tavig repeatedly that Petra is both dangerous and likely a better warrior than Tavig. Tavig offers to take the first watch while they rested, during which he attempted to steal the Sommerswerd (which they had been using for illumination) and molest Petra. Petra easily defeated Tavig, causing the warrior to leave. Lone Wolf, unaware of what happened, chased after Tavig and encountered the Giant Fist. Lone Wolf defeated the Giant Fist, but when he attempted to heal Tavig, his Kai gestalts warned him the effort was futile. Tavig's soul warns Lone Wolf that the green is death before departing. Lone Wolf recalls Tavig's words at the end of the novel, warning Petra that destroying Zahda's Doomstone (the Green Eye of Agarash) will likely kill her.