Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

Getting started[]

Completing Grey Star the Wizard previously gives better chances of completing this adventure succesfully. For starters, you get an extra ten Willpower points, plus the choice of another Magick and you get to keep your equipment accrued in the last book.

Recommended Starting Stats[]

CS: 18, EP 27, WP 32.

Suggested Lesser Magicks[]

  1. Sorcery
  2. Enchantment
  3. Elementalism
  4. Alchemy
  5. Evocation
  6. Prophecy

Psychomancy is the least useful lesser magick and can be safely neglected. Note however that at one stage of the adventure, you must have either Psychomancy or Prophecy or you will die.

Starting equipment[]

If you completed Grey Star the Wizard, you start the game with (approximately) the following items:

  • Wizard's Staff (Weapon)
  • Broadsword (Weapon)
  • Two Meals (Backpack)
  • Coil of Rope (Backpack)
  • Pestle and Mortar (Backpack)
  • Tinderbox (Backpack)
  • Map of Shadakine Empire (Special Item)
  • Magic Talisman (Special Item)
  • Medallion (Special Item)
  • Silver Charm (Special Item)
  • Five Tarama Seeds (Special Item) 
  • Empty Vial (Herb Pouch)
  • Packet of Ezeran Crystals (Herb Pouch)
  • Pouch of Calacena Mushrooms (Herb Pouch)
  • If you were lucky in the last adventure and didn't use it all up, you might still have some Laumspur in your Herb Pouch as well.

If you didn't complete Grey Star the Wizard, your starting equipment is predetermined; there are no choices to be made.


Part 1: The Lost Tribe of Lara[]

(126) If you have Alchemy, you can collect some Azawood leaves that can be used in the later part of the adventure.

(257) Urik summons an Ooslo bird to fly the two of you to your destination, but during your flight you are discovered by Shadakine hunters. If you have Tarama Seeds to spare (found in Grey Star the Wizard, these mitigate the cost of using your magic), then the easiest option is to use Sorcery to protect yourself, but to conserve your Willpower. The Shadakine fire, and there is a 70% chance that they aim at you, in which case you go straight to (252). In the remaining 30% chance, they aim at the Ooslo bird instead and you crash land at (125).

If you don't have Tarama Seeds, then untie the vine. You land in a bog of quicksand. Do not struggle, and follow the waterway to arrive at section (252).

(125) You land in the lake and surface at a small islet in the middle, but are trapped by an Eijalfish as the Shadakine circle around you. The best option is to attack the Eijalfish with your Wizard's Staff, then swim away.

(252) As you run, you hear the whimpering of an injured creature. Ignore the sound to avoid two difficult fights. You get to restore 1 EP afterwards.

Tip: By ignoring the sound, you miss acquiring the Chaksu Pipes. This item only has a minor positive impact later however, and with appropriate choices you might not need it at all. If you want to acquire the Chaksu Pipes, you need to investigate the sound, then defend the wounded Chaksu. You will be forced into two difficult fights, after which the wounded Chaksu's parents arrive and kill the remaining Shadakine, rewarding you with the pipes afterwards.

Tip: It is also possible to get captured by the Shadakine. In this case (which is not recommended, since you lose a substantial amount of EP) the Shadakine attempt to transport you to Karnali where you are to be interrogated by Warward Kiro and his witch, Mother Niya. However, during the journey you are freed by Freedom Guild scouts who are preparing for an attack on a Shadakine slave train. You rejoin the main narrative at (144).

(194) Take the slower route to the northwest. You'll gain three Meals. If you have Alchemy, you can make a Karmo potion for later use. Alchemy also allows you to make a Yabari ointment to protect from the bloodsucking insects as you rest. The following day, you encounter a Shadakine slave train on the great Suhn road, which is promptly attacked by veiled attackers, and you intervene to help.

(144) Don't attack the big giant. Instead, use Sorcery if you have it, or attack the slavemaster from range. You neutralize the slavemaster's mind gem, freeing the giant from the mind control. The slaves flee, and the fight is won. You are then introduced to the leader of the Freedom Guild, Sado of the Long Knife.

Part 2: Karnali[]

(250) Sado plans to attack the Shadakine in Karnali. If you have both Alchemy and Enchantment (or if you have the Chaksu Pipes and Enchantment), then help Sado. Otherwise, refuse to help, then after Sado betrays you, attack the approaching Shadakine (or even better, ask for help from a fire elemental) before running.

Tip: if running away feels too ignoble to you, agree to help Sado. If you have the Chaksu Pipes, use it; otherwise, use Alchemy to the same effect. The Shadakine army pours out of their barracks and engages the Freedom Guild. Mother Niya, the Shadakine witch of Karnali, uses her Kazim stone to instill the Shadakine warriors with courage. It falls on you to engage Mother Niya magically. If you have Enchantment, use it. Otherwise, use Sorcery and the Mind Gem to control the user of the Kazim Stone. Two willpower points are sufficient to will Warward Kiro to kill Mother Niya. The Freedom Guild win the battle, and Sado rewards you with several items. Be sure to get the potions of Laumspur.

(50/81) Whichever path you picked in the battle for Karnali, the big giant you freed earlier, Samu, joins you as you journey towards the Mountains of Morn. As you leave the city, someone follows you. All the options are equally good (don't use Prophecy however) and all end with Samu catching the pursuer: Hugi, a thief who attempted to pick your pocket in Karnali. Hugi wants to follow you to the Forbidden City in search of treasure rumored to be there, and you automatically let him join.

(214) Before entering 'the dead lands' you are given the option of stocking up on food. If your backpack is not full, you might as well do so.

(111) The Deathgaunt, an undead spirit summoned by Shasarak, comes for you. Evocation is the only magick that will protect you from the Deathgaunt. Then use the Azawood Leaves that you've collected at the beginning of this adventure to delay the Deathgaunt.

(291) Three more Deathgaunts show up. Don't use Evocation and press on through the night to minimize EP loss.

Tip: if you choose to rest instead, either with Evocation or with an Azawood Leaf, you learn that Tanith is trapped on another plane and being tormented by Shasarak, at the cost of 1 EP and 1 WP.

(52) You are now at the Forbidden City, but must cross a river to enter. Choose to cross the bridge. If you have a rope, you must raise your EP above 12; you can choose to discard the rope before crossing to avoid this instant-death scenario. Regardless, the bridge crumbles as Samu crosses, and he apparently drowns.

Part 3: The Forbidden City[]

(124) You are now at the entrance to the Forbidden City. Surprisingly, it is inhabited. Ignore the gatekeeper, then evade and leave the main street. Whichever option you choose now, you will lose 1 EP and be captured by the wretches. Don't use your staff to conserve your WP, and then Samu reappears to rescue the three of you.

(26) After a long walk you arrive at the court of a mad king and his court. To avoid having to fight, walk down the stairs and continue with the bluff. You must accept the king's offer of food.

(108) After the king leaves, the fastest way is to head to the throne room. There is no danger if you choose one of the other options, but you must search for Hugi.

(168) A wall of fire blocks your path, but it is actually an illusion so you may walk through it without harm.

(103) Hugi finds a chest of books that contains a black rod, which you should take. Afterwards, you encounter a magically-locked door. Use either Prophecy or Psychomancy, which inform you that you need to use the black rod to pass. Leave the room after unlocking the door.

(267) To get some extra treasure, head west to get a silver knife then head east and examine a sack to get a gold tooth. You emerge on the edge of the Desolation Valley. As you venture across the Valley you are attacked by a Scree Wurm. Evade it. There is no need to help Samu either. A rope saves you 1 EP now as you descend.

Part 4: Desolation Valley[]

(272) You've finally found the Shadow Gate, but it is guarded by the Kleasa that you encountered in Grey Star the Wizard, with Tanith trapped within the Kleasa. Don't use your magic against the Kleasa, but give or throw the black rod at it. This frees the demon from Shasarak's control, allowing you to enter the Shadow Gate and complete the second stage of the adventure.

Note: although it's not written in detail, you leave Urik, Hugi and Samu here, and enter the Shadow Gate with Tanith.
