Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

The Durenese Yew Bow, a Blue-Steel Sword, a Blue Crystal Talisman and a Lizard Ring are the unique items that are found in this adventure.

Many potions and elixirs, a Chainmail Waistcoat, helmets and shields can also be acquired.

Getting started[]

Suggested Disciplines[]

The suggested setup is:

(help) avoid a fight : Animal Kinship, Mindshield, Mind Over Matter

Suggested Equipment[]

  • Do not take Gold Crowns (stolen soon).
  • A new character should take one weapon (with proficiency), the Quiver with 6 arrows, the Shield (+2 CS), the Potion of Laumspur (+4 E).

Useful items from previous gamebooks[]

Special Items[]
  • Superior Weapon with Sharpened Blade (weapon, +1 damage inflicted in every round of combat)
  • Bow


Optional lore sections are in italic.

Escaping the boat[]

1 : Endurance halved, all gear confiscated. Sixth Sense or not, wait for a better opportunity (18). Use the Kai Discipline (73) Animal Kinship (90) to avoid a fight and take a dagger, 4 GC, the Cast Iron Key (Special Item). Restore 2 END with Larnuma Oil.

281 : open this door (29) and leave the hold (283) to get a Quarterstaff. Climb the stairs (306), use the Cast Iron Key (264) to get back your Backpack (only one item left), your Special Items (save one), your Weapons. If you don’t have Mind over Matter, keep a dagger instead of one of your weapon (bow if any).

254 : make this guard come (290), disappear into the shadows (148) and search him (299) to get a Sword, 9 GC, a Wooden Whistle (useless), a Tobacco Pouch (useless) and a Lizard Ring (special item, useful next book).

41 : find a way into that cabin (152), use Mind over Matter (215) or a dagger (35 but -2 END). Investigate the place (161) to get a bottle of Kourshah (+4 END) and a Blue Crystal Talisman (special item). Sixth Sense or not, explore the cabin (3). 50-90% chances to fight a YAS (CS:15 E:26), -3CS penalty unless Mindshield. Break into the cupboard (238) to get many potions : take Rendalim's Elixir, potions of Alether and Laumspur (always useful), Holy Water, Yabari Ointment (useful next book), Oede Herb (useful next book). Leave (178).

Welcome in Ragadorn[]

178 : fastest way is the first

  • follow this side street (104), head down Customer Alley (45), pass by this tavern (259), escape (98), climb over the palisade (4) and follow Gallows Lane (159)
  • walk along Docks Streets (134), walk faster (269) and flee (98), see above.
  • find refuge at the tavern (234) and flee (98), see above.

159 : don’t get close (95 and Healing allowed), be on your way (22) and enter (87). Get a room for 2 GC and a Meal for 1 GC (144 and Healing allowed) and go to sleep (312 and Healing allowed) to recover +3 END.

218 : Healing allowed. Follow King Ulnar Avenue (230 and Healing allowed), stop and watch it (129 and Healing allowed), seize the purse (223) and get 10-28 GC. You now have at least 20 GC.

297 : Healing allowed. Visit the shop (52) and buy for 16 GC the Durenese Yew Bow (+1 roll on the RNT when used) !!

Thieves or Prison[]

244 : vanish into the closest alley (156). 80% chances to succeed (275), 20% to fail (109) :

109 : don’t give them anything (141), Healing allowed. All gear confiscated once again, recover 2 END and (199) Healing allowed. Then (6) recover 2 END and Healing allowed twice.

173 : Healing allowed. Mind over Matter (253) lets you avoid a fight. Get 7 GC, a Zinab Root (+2 END), weapons and keys. Open this door (121 and Healing allowed) to recover your gear, get 5 GC, weapons and useless stuff.

30 : you may (n°1) or may not (n°2) want to get the Blue-Steel Sword (+2CS, sword type) :

  1. attack him (89), fight Balazar The Slade Trader (CS:12 E:24) with 1-10 CS penalty then (191) recover his weapon first (285), then (327) flee (293).
  2. flee (200) and run away (274).

275 : turn around and attack (143) the Young Thug (CS:12 E:16) then (211) follow the thieves (67). Reveal your Kai lord name (11), ask Volrik (266), accept Volrik’s hospitality (132). Recover 12 END (307), Healing allowed. Then (21) get the Weapon you are proficient with (if needed), a Shield (if needed), a Helmet (if needed), Alether and Laumspur (always useful). Healing allowed.

128 : let the thieves run the assault (212), help Jann (326).

169 : you may (n°1) or may not (n°2) want to get the Blue-Steel Sword (special item, +2CS, sword type).

  1. strike directly at him (89), see above.
  2. neither confront Balazar nor fight alongside Torgo (122), then (327) flee (293).

274 or 293 : run left (246) then flee to the right (123). Turn away (110) then surrender and explain (182).

Athania and her crew[]

182 : the choice does not matter.

38 : recover 8 END (and Healing allowed). Accompany the captain to the barrack armory (343). Healing allowed. Pick a Chainmail Waistcoat (+4 END, stackable with Padded Leather Waistcoat), Alether and Laumspur (always useful), the Weapon you are proficient with (if needed), Arrows (if needed), a Shield (if needed), a Single Person Tent (takes 2 spaces in your Backpack) if you can, ...

170 : if you find an abandoned chariot (50% chances), be on your way (43). Healing lets you save a man and get 2 Meals later on.

93 : Healing allowed, eat a Meal. Ask Athania (151) then (273 and Healing allowed) :

  • If you have Camouflage and a bow+arrow, agree with her plan of attack (216) to get 8 GC, a dagger, a Blowpipe and Darts.
  • If you have Animal Kinship, choose an alternate path (153) and (305) don’t pocket an Amulet (166). Animal Kinship (187) lets you escape.
  • If you have Mindshield and a magical weapon, choose an alternate path (153) and (305) pocket a Golden Amulet (86). Then (166) flee towards the stairs (329) and (5) get rid of the Amulet (160).
  • Otherwise choose an alternate path (153) and (305) don’t pocket an Amulet (166). Flee towards the stairs (329) and let him die (279).

146 : hang back during the first offensive (68). Fights are coming, time to think about Alether or equivalent.

  • If you do not have a bow (99), flee the fight against the Giak (270) and fight instead RAGADORNIAN MERCENARY (CS:18 E:23) (with -4CS penalty, Hunting and/or Sixth Sense help).
  • If you shoot an arrow (298):
    • if you have both Hunting and Sixth Sense : flee (270) and fight RAGADORNIAN MERCENARY (CS:18 E:23) (with -4CS penalty cancelled by Hunting+Sixth Sense).
    • otherwise : fight this enemy with a weapon in hand (53) and fight a DRAKKAR (CS:19 E:30) with a soldier helping you (+4 CS) after round 2.

233 : choose one

  • if you have at least 5 END + the Blue Crystal Talisman + a Vial of Holy Water, racing after the Drakkar (75) is an auto-win but -4 END unless Mindshield.
  • if you have at least 7 END but not the Blue Crystal Talisman, racing after the Drakkar (75) is an auto-win but -6 END.
  • if you have a Blue Crystal Talisman + a Magic Weapon, race after the Drakkar (75), loose 4 END unless Mindshield and fight a HELGHAST (wounded) (CS:20 E:20) immune to Mindblast (Mindshield appreciated).
  • lend a hand to Athania (33) and fight a SLAVER (CS:18 E:25).

263 or 217 : scream a warning at Athania (91) to win.
