Lone Wolf

A Turquoise Pearl is a Special Item that can be given by Oriah, and one does not need to be discarded in favour of another if at the limit. It seemingly can change the fate of Grand Master for the better, although it is unclear why.

Oriah first obtained the Turquoise Pearl while diving near the Azure Coast in the Bay of Sharks. It is the last past treasure she managed to hide from her husband, Sesketera.[1][2]

In the gamebooks[]

During the events of The Dusk of Eternal Night, Oriah is rescued from the Crypt of Agarash, and taken aboard the Starstrider as a refugee. After her ordeal, Grand Master has the option to talk to her.[3] If Grand Master offers her a friendly ear (rather than ask about the Naarvakim), she asks about the fate of her son. If Grand Master possesses Astrology,[1] or asks her to prepare for the loss of her son,[2] Grand Master will receive a Turquoise Pearl.

Later, after Grand Master explores either (depending on the actions of the player) the Kelderwood Forest, Shasarak's old lair, or Otavai to find information about the Naarvakim, Grand Master and Blazer return to the Starstrider, and Grand Master can talk to Oriah again. If Grand Master possesses the Turquoise Pearl, and the player played through Voyage of the Moonstone, Oriah hints at being attracted to Grand Master,[4] and this compliment can be returned, hinting at a form of mutual attraction, while restoring 2 Endurance points.[5] Not returning the compliment restores none, while possessing a Turquoise Pearl without having played Voyage of the Moonstone restores only 1 Endurance point.[6]

Where the Turquoise Pearl truly comes in handy, however, is shortly after this, when the Starstrider is attacked by the Naarvakim, and the Turquoise Pearl plays a significant factor in determining the severity of the attack.[7]

There are three main paths through this subplot:

  1. Instant death
  2. Fight with Reborn Bavazanur (with the Fire Trait)
  3. Possible fight with Reborn Krakalla Flying Fortress (and Naarvakim crew)

The Turquoise Pearl first rules out the instant death path. Here, if Grand Master did not reinforce the Starstrider with either Jigidanak nor Kurzazuk, without a Turquoise Pearl, this leads to instant death.[8] With a Turquoise Pearl, however, Grand Master gets a second reprieve, if they reinforced it with an Illusion Crystal (this option is not given without a Turquoise Pearl).[9] If this first Starstrider reinforcement test is failed, without the Turquoise Pearl, path 1 is followed (instant death); but with a Turquoise Pearl, it sends the player down path 2. On the other hand, passing this reinforcement test with a Turquoise Pearl, sends the player to path 3.

In path 2, if Grand Master failed to reinforced the Starstrider with a Grey Crystal Ring, lacks Telegnosis, and picks the wrong door (second-to-last), this leads to instant death.[10] Otherwise, a Reborn Bavazanur (Combat Skill 45, Endurance 44, immune to Mindblast, double damage without Grand Nexus or Platinum Amulet) is fought,[11][12] and 6 (3 with Grand Nexus or Platinum Amulet) Endurance points are lost at the end.[13]

In path 3, if Grand Master reinforced the Starstrider with the Scarlet Fire Rod, Sun-stone Shard or Bronin Steam-Spear, they avoid a fight with the Reborn Krakalla Flying Fortress (and Naarvakim crew);[14] otherwise it is fought.[15] This fight is by far the most dangerous, as every single round of combat, it is possible to die without certain items and skills. There is also an instant death roll faced before the combat, with lesser effects if the highest roll is not achieved.

In other words, the Turquoise Pearl allows Grand Master to dodge one instant death scenario, and with the correct choices (reinforcing the Starstrider with Jigidanak or Kurzazuk, or the bonus option with the Illusion Crystal) allows one fight to be avoided altogether.

There is another way to mimic the effects of the Turquoise Pearl, although it will result in a future death. Prior to the attack, Shasarak, disguised as Lone Wolf, will appear to Grand Master in a dream. Shasarak will attempt to convince Grand Master that there is a third way (beyond Good and Evil) to bring peace to the world, and if Grand Master agrees, a Neverness Sphere will be given to them, which cannot be discarded.[16] This route will send the player down the same path as the Turquoise Pearl. However, later in the story, in the Throne Room of the Night Spire, Grand Master will be compelled to free a sage trapped in the Pit of Eternal Pain, by casting themselves into the Gate of Doom. However, this was a trick by Shasarak to free himself rather than Agarash the Damned, and has the effect of trapping Grand Master in the Pit of Eternal Pain, taking Shasarak's place, to be tormented for all eternity by Agarash himself — although Magnamund is spared the return of Agarash.[17]

It is unclear why this Turquoise Pearl can alter fate to this degree.

