Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf

Zhaaxa is a Nyxator Mail created by Lone Wolf from the hide of Nyxator and given to New Order Kai Grand Masters at the start of the events of Dead in the Deep. Zhaaxa provides a +4 bonus to Combat Skill and +10 to Endurance to its wearer, and is light enough to be worn underneath clothing and other pieces of armour. Additionally, Zhaaxa provides additional protection against the power of Chaos.

Gameplay rules[]

Zhaaxa generally outclasses Vrenzha in Dead in the Deep and The Dusk of Eternal Night.

Zhaaxa is more useful than Vrenzha in Dead in the Deep because it can be used in the shifting corridor in the Chaos Prison, avoiding an instant death scenario, and helping avoid a nasty mutation (permanently lose -2 Combat Skill, -2 Endurance and the usage of your strong hand until the end of the book, meaning two-handed weapons cannot be wielded unless Grand Master has Grand Weaponmastery and is Sun Knight or above, and a Bow cannot be used at all). It also can be useful should Grand Master fight the Nascent Chaos-master - a very difficult (if avoidable) fight, but Zhaaxa reduces all damage taken by 2.[1]

Zhaaxa, Vrenzha and Agonera all compete should Grand Master choose to visit Otavai during The Dusk of Eternal Night. Agonera has the least use out of all the Nyxator Mails, but it is very useful in Otavai (helping to dodge instant death scenarios, and two fights become significantly harder without it). However, Zhaaxa is most useful for the final battle in this arc, against Autarchess Balerodah: Without Zhaaxa, Balorodah will mutate Grand Master's limbs depending on the random number picked during combat, with Grand Master losing the ability to use their weapon hand, then both hands, and eventually instant death.[2] Vrenzha, by contrast, has only one fight in this path where it provides a benefit but Zhaaza and Agonera do not.

All three, however, do not see much usage in general. Cynxa sees most usage, although it may be redundant for characters taken through the whole of the New Order series.

